Steam Generators
Barrel Room Humidification
Barrel Room Humidification
Pressure Washer
Pressure washing is a virtual necessity in any food or beverage facility. Residues and build-ups of substances
on process equipment and facility floors, walls and drains,
are routine. Removal of such substances to maintain a
clean and sanitary production environment are essential.
The SWASH portable pressure washer was developed by SWASH Sanitizing Equipment to meet the unique needs
of wineries, breweries, distilleries and food processing companies. They are designed to function as cold or hot water units. When used with incoming hot water of at
least 180°F, the end user has the ability to deliver high pressure hot water indoors with no fumes from combustible fuels. To accommodate the emerging technique of pressure washing with ozonated cold water, the SWASH pressure washer is available with an optional all stainless steel pump and ozone compatible components in the fluid path.

Guns and Lances
Quick Couplers
Floor Cleaners

7.5 hp motor.
Belt driven, 4.5 gpm, 2300 psig pump.
Pressure regulator.
Stainless steel pressure gauge.
Auto on/off timer and pressure sensor.
Pump hot seal kit for 190°F incoming water.
Premium, industrial quality, non-proprietary components.
Stainless steel frame and cabinet.
Large no-flat rear wheels. Rear leverage foot bar.
Front locking casters.
Front and rear storage racks.
208-230v,3ø, 21 amps or 460-480v, 3ø, 10 amps
50 foot power cord.
50 foot, 4500 psig reinforced hose.
Trigger gun with 36" lance and set of four nozzles.
Pressure washing is a virtual necessity in any food or beverage facility. Residues and build-ups of substances
on process equipment and facility floors, walls and drains, are routine. Removal of such substances to maintain a
clean and sanitary production environment are essential.
Effective removal of many substances can only be accomplished with relatively high pressure, often, but not always, heat, and substantial water flow. With sufficient
heat, it may also be possible to sanitize the surfaces that
are being cleaned. To accommodate the emerging
technique of pressure washing with ozonated cold water,
the SWASH pressure washer is available with an optional
all stainless steel pump and ozone compatible components
in the fluid path.

swash sanitizing equipment • info@arsenterprises.com • 800-735-9277
©2018 SWASH and ARS Enterprises, Inc.